Submission information
Submission Number: 13230
Submission ID: 63694
Submission UUID: b3ea0d02-53ba-4380-8af2-fac3d382f644
Submission URI: /form/vendor-performance-evaluation
Created: Thu, 01/19/2023 - 18:10
Completed: Thu, 01/19/2023 - 18:10
Changed: Thu, 02/09/2023 - 14:49
Remote IP address: (unknown)
Submitted by: admin
Language: English
Is draft: No
Current page: webform_submission_import
Webform: Vendor Performance Evaluation
Locked: Yes
ofthe conlract:
Thc projccl $€s ofexceplionally high quality. A numbcr olcxpcrimcnlal dimculties wcre confronted in the early stagcs ofthe project, but all \ €re ovcrcome. l he
rcsulls were provided in a vcry clca y writlcn repon, including an inlcrpretalion th6t exceeded our expeclations. Somc alloys oxidizr more quickly lhan othcrs and lhis
documcnt used scienlific principles lo explain why lhis happens. 'Ihe resuhs and inlerprelalions could bc uscd logclhq lo evaluale coffosion at lhc conditions lesled
and also to ex(mpolalc lhc resuhs lo metals and condilions nol tesled. Updates and lhe dran repon wcrc 6ll providcd in a limely manncr. A lhrcc monlh no-cosl
rcvie$cd, and 6llcommcnls wcrc addressed in the final reponf
ofthe conlract:
Thc projccl $€s ofexceplionally high quality. A numbcr olcxpcrimcnlal dimculties wcre confronted in the early stagcs ofthe project, but all \ €re ovcrcome. l he
rcsulls were provided in a vcry clca y writlcn repon, including an inlcrpretalion th6t exceeded our expeclations. Somc alloys oxidizr more quickly lhan othcrs and lhis
documcnt used scienlific principles lo explain why lhis happens. 'Ihe resuhs and inlerprelalions could bc uscd logclhq lo evaluale coffosion at lhc conditions lesled
and also to ex(mpolalc lhc resuhs lo metals and condilions nol tesled. Updates and lhe dran repon wcrc 6ll providcd in a limely manncr. A lhrcc monlh no-cosl
rcvie$cd, and 6llcommcnls wcrc addressed in the final reponf
ofthe conlract:
Thc projccl $€s ofexceplionally high quality. A numbcr olcxpcrimcnlal dimculties wcre confronted in the early stagcs ofthe project, but all \ €re ovcrcome. l he
rcsulls were provided in a vcry clca y writlcn repon, including an inlcrpretalion th6t exceeded our expeclations. Somc alloys oxidizr more quickly lhan othcrs and lhis
documcnt used scienlific principles lo explain why lhis happens. 'Ihe resuhs and inlerprelalions could bc uscd logclhq lo evaluale coffosion at lhc conditions lesled
and also to ex(mpolalc lhc resuhs lo metals and condilions nol tesled. Updates and lhe dran repon wcrc 6ll providcd in a limely manncr. A lhrcc monlh no-cosl
rcvie$cd, and 6llcommcnls wcrc addressed in the final reponf
ofthe conlract:
Thc projccl $€s ofexceplionally high quality. A numbcr olcxpcrimcnlal dimculties wcre confronted in the early stagcs ofthe project, but all \ €re ovcrcome. l he
rcsulls were provided in a vcry clca y writlcn repon, including an inlcrpretalion th6t exceeded our expeclations. Somc alloys oxidizr more quickly lhan othcrs and lhis
documcnt used scienlific principles lo explain why lhis happens. 'Ihe resuhs and inlerprelalions could bc uscd logclhq lo evaluale coffosion at lhc conditions lesled
and also to ex(mpolalc lhc resuhs lo metals and condilions nol tesled. Updates and lhe dran repon wcrc 6ll providcd in a limely manncr. A lhrcc monlh no-cosl
rcvie$cd, and 6llcommcnls wcrc addressed in the final reponf